Artificial Intelligence, ChatGPT, India, IP Ownership, Moving Horizon framework

‘Moving Horizons’: A Responsive and Risk-Based Regulatory Framework for A.I.

Samir Saran with Anulekha Nandi and Sameer Patil

As Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities constantly evolve, its regulation can no longer remain simply an exercise in optimisation and mitigation—or maximising innovation opportunities and minimising the risk of harm. AI’s intersecting socio-economic and legal implications require dynamic governance arrangements to identify, respond to, and anticipate continually shifting regulatory imperatives. This report makes a case for a framework that not only anticipates, recognises, and assesses risks, but also responsively manages them. Such a framework would open up pathways for harmonising sovereign imperatives of building national competencies while fostering multilateral cooperation on developing globally accepted standards to facilitate the responsible deployment of AI innovation.

Originally published by ORF Website. Read the report here.
